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tv   [untitled]    September 2, 2012 7:07am-7:37am EDT

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i think they've they've made a rod for their own back and they're going to end up having to drop it but i don't think they'll do it anytime soon probably it twists and turns of join us and as long running sagar are on our website and our t. down also there you can watch all the additions of the wiki leak or zone interview program including the one where he talks to ecuadorian president rafael correct. there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact on. the source material is one hopes he journalism on we. we wanted to present. something of. a long lasting conflict between israel and the palestinians continue this with new evidence of children in the front line testimonies of former israeli soldiers and
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a shocking video of how they separated a mother from her daughter in a small palestinian village have taken the strife to a whole new level policy reports from tel aviv. there were demonstrations as indeed there are even weekend now big seller which is a palestinian village in footage that was captured on camera these soldiers can be seen going from house to house and physically taking people out of their homes one person was injured at least six people were arrested five of whom were children and there are pictures of the daughters of one woman trying to save their mother as she was manhandled by the soldiers who were or signaling stun grenades now these reports come hot on the heels of another damning conclusion there israeli defense forces has come under fire from its own rank and file an organization known as breaking the silence has published the testimonies of some thirty israeli soldiers and commanders and which they deal specifically with how the i.d.f.
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treats palestinian children palestinian minors they talk about the arbitrary use of violence by soldiers when it comes to children and at the same time they say that very often the idea of deliberately targets children using them as human shields during its operations but these reports also go on to say that even when children are not deliberately targeted they are not afforded any kind of protection when there is a shootout or any kind of military operation as you can witness from that distance that we published and from my own experiences as a soldier i have to say that the main point here is that there is there is no real distinction when it comes to treatment between adults and children for example we were doing constant arrest operations throughout the west bank arresting i don't know how many people you know on a nightly basis and many of the people that we were arresting were either children or teenagers did the most occasions we didn't even know why they were being arrested in one of the raid operations to it we had to basically invaded the
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palestinian town south of the city of hebron the children started throwing stones at us so it's on point we picked a random kid that didn't even necessarily threw stones at us and used him as a shoe. it distills it will being thrown by his friends by his supposed friends who did him instead of us we were hoping that that would stop him somehow that would stop his friends from throwing stones obviously didn't help him he just got injured in the indication so certainly not a good time for the i.d.f. it's finding a been criticised on a number of fronts. r.t. television and certainly is reminiscent of the case of pro palestinian us activist rachel corrie who was crushed by an israeli army borders or in two thousand and three the twenty three year old was taking part in a demonstration trying to stop palestinian homes from being destroyed in garza. or that israel was not at fault but journalist tom dale who witnessed corey's death
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claims israel is trying to sweep the incident under the rock. it's tremendously just pointing out on the basis of what i saw on that day in two thousand and three it's absolutely not possible to characterize what happened next to them in my view so i told the coach and as i told the israeli military before the bulldozer driver . a very long drive up. before he got to rachel during which time he must have been able to see even on the base of the visitors' shots presented to the court by the threat of military. had both took the bull's eye sublight just before she was crushed and she came with an amount of trying to escape so my mind absolutely no doubt that he would have seen on this but it represents a want watching what happened on that day a culture in the israeli military impunity for such crimes and that culture impunity is the scylla take it fortunately sometimes by the courts who
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deliberately turn a blind eye of course the main shoulders on which for the palestinian shoulders better because europe is full of civilians almost every area is a civilian and so the israeli government to say we refuse to treat anyone in this area especially given that human rights because we've given it this particular name . coachmen treasonable happy to me i think that's just me serving that responsibility. this week iran was at the center of the global political stand showing them to spy and economic sanctions and widespread vilification it's not as isolated as largely believed delegations from over one hundred states gathered in tehran for the nonaligned movement summit a group of nations who don't consider themselves part of any power block dozens of country leaders attended including egypt's newly elected president mohamed morsi watch mark the first visit to iran nine egyptian head of state since the nineteenth
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seventeen on islamic revolution the significance of the meeting was also underlined by the presence of the u.n. chief o'kane despite the u.s. and israel discouraging him settle independent researcher soraya said before all rich explains what this says about iran's role in the region and in the world mr prime ki-moon does recognize the fact that he has to. keep players in the region and nothing much really can be solved you flowers if you want participation and i'm sure that the united states and israel would like news to ban ki moon to come down hard on iran but he's also aware of the fact there's two thirds of the countries that belong to the united nations are member countries of the nine aligned movement the united states state department likes to say many things and i think that's precisely because they do tend to be very aggressive in their foreign policy
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towards certain countries to close although i think they have the whole goal in mind they would love to be a global vision monic power. the nonaligned movement now is one hundred percent coming together to resist this kind of aggression to resist this kind of double standards and hypocrisy and i think that's probably really thinking of the united states this point. they summoned into her own resulted in a declaration stating every nation's right to peaceful development and to use of nuclear energy seen as a backing of iran's controversial nuclear program it came just as a new report by the un atomic watchdog emerged accusing the islamic state of stepping up its uranium enrichment geo political analyst eric draitser says the timing of the release shows the i.a.e.a. is anything but unbiased be a rainy ins first of all they believe that they have the inherent right according
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to the nuclear nonproliferation treaty that they have the right to have a nuclear program so long as it's for peaceful purposes as is now accepted international law the united states and israel too to a large extent are terribly embarrassed about the fact that the nonaligned movement summit has gone off as a tremendous success and the fact that many around the world are seeing the n.a.m. summit as really iran's coming out party in terms of geopolitics in terms of their position on the world stage and so the timing of the report i think is is in fact dubious and i would go further and remind people that the a e a in many ways is part of what the leader in iran called the overt dictatorship of the united nations that is to say that the i.a.e.a. is always led by us produced think tank individuals like eldora di or his predecessors who will inevitably execute the agenda of the western powers regardless of whether that contravenes international law here with r.t.
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and still i hand it with a history of flip flopping on little cold air issues u.s. republican presidential nominee mitt romney is becoming more of a punch line than a clear front runner for the white house. plus fears of radical islam spread throughout russia after a series of attacks on muslims leaders who preached against extremist idea. britain's high court has given the verdict this week in one of the most expensive battles in legal history self exiled russian tycoon buddies but his off scale has lost a multibillion dollar play against his fellow countrymen but i'm on a promo for the chelsea football club owner the months long standoff between the two on the guards living in the u.k. heard scandalous accusations of greed and dishonesty is laura smith takes a closer look at the case the final verdict in this case found against bodies that is old school which means that he won't receive
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a cent of the more than five point six billion dollars that he was all skiing for for an hour but imo which run up what i want to promote himself was not important the bit is old steve was he a relieved looking very upbeat saying that he had full confidence in the british legal system but one of the verdicts was being read he held his head in his hands and as he was leaving he appears to have lost confidence in the british legal system now this is a case that has opened up for the viewing of the general public the key world old russia is a mega rich and what they got up to back in the nineteen nineties the wild east as we called it but then we're talking about the history of sums of money off shore bank accounts elicit payments made between people often in massive sums of cash or of course five star hotels ski resorts and enormous business deals done only on the strength of a handshake with no documentation which of course has made this case
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a very difficult one to judge it's cruel to london to school building billionaires along with their own choices maker expensive lawyers and bodyguards who walked around these courts area in their shades in a minute singing way but he's got his old ski says that he was driven out of billions of dollars and when he says that not promote it intimidated him into selling shares in russian metals and. oil companies for a fraction of what they will get out of it says that in fact he would never hurt business partners that he was making payments to but is also key but they were only for political protection. roof in russian which has become a common colonies in the legal circles here in london as a result of this case is that he did make regular payments to put his old ski for political protection but he says that they weren't anything to do with the partnership they were often made in huge cash sums up to five million dollars
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hundred cash and totaling several hundred million dollars he says that he paid well but is also key to travel in a private jet that he bought him a french chateau and he also bought him jewelry for his girlfriend but as he wanted five point six billion dollars on top of the one point two billion that he received back in two thousand and two for a mortgage this is been one of the biggest civil trials ever held in british legal history it's been hundreds of hours and resulted in millions of dollars worth of legal fees so we've heard the results of this case. when for better this time around we may see more cases of this nature here in london. after losing fortunes during high cost lawsuits some russian tycoon could use advice from a middle class chinese to up all their premium status learn more about him on our web site r.t.l. com. but you don't need to spend thousands of dollars to make a dream come true learn how a chinese hobbyist is now driving
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a luxury sports car. plus mind games chinese scientists close the gap between man and machine by inventing thought control drone. here with our team and u.s. presidential candidate mitt romney criticized president barack obama for his handling of foreign affairs at the republican national convention this week his comments could be worrisome for other nations as america's presidential election approaches in addition romney has a history of flip flopping on a shoes so it's hard to tell what his message will be come november party's going
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to can explain its. mitt romney is now officially barack obama's opponent for the white house and he's talking tough throwing rocks well verbal rocks not only the president but also nations at the republican convention where he accepted his nomination mr romney did not fail to once again highlight his animosity towards russia he criticized the president for not being hard enough in his view on russia when it comes to missile defense mitt romney says under his administration quote mr putin will see less flexibility and more backbone and of quote and of course that adds up to his earlier statements that russia is america's number one geopolitical enemy and that they need to reset the reset that's actually what he says on his website as part of mitt romney's foreign policy agenda so yes a lot of tough talk i heard experts say that's how mitt romney makes up for a lack of charisma what's interesting about the backbone comment is that mitt romney himself is often characterized as lacking the backbone as he has flip
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flopped on so many issues like abortion he was for abortion before he was against it or illegal immigration he was for giving them legal status that he was for deporting them mitt romney is flip flops have been widely discussed they've become an endless source of inspiration for comedians this is this is a joke from the tonight show with jay leno it says actually mitt romney and hurricane isaac have something in common they can both change directions at any moment and another comedian goes obama is like you can be whatever you want to be while romney is like i can be whatever you want me to be there are tons of jokes about mitt romney and his backbone issues apparently one way of showing some backbone for him is this kind of tough talk full of threats we'll see how far it will take him in this november election. well the two party system in the u.s.
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some voters feel they are left with much of a choice in the next hour author andrew levine shares what he sees as the flaws america's electoral system here's a preview. at the level of underlying political vision or underlying political orientation there isn't that much difference and romney would probably be perfectly happy doing what obama does we have a media which is so thoroughly controlled and all the institutions that manufacture opinion are so pervasive and our electoral system has become basically if i can advertising it's become a sales promotion's there are brands and there are people trying to sell different products one of two products to a product and it's. a pressure that not all it's not so much of the pressure that hard to resist it's a pressure that most people or most people aren't even aware that there is an alternative. time now for some
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other stories making headlines around the world at least a dozen people are dead after a double suicide bombing near a military base in central afghanistan more than seventy others were also injured the taliban taking responsibility for the blasts said it sent out two bombers one driving a truck packed with explosives and the other on foot. the federal a tour of tribunals in mexico has declared enrique peña nieto the legitimate winner of the july presidential election following the announcement of more than three thousand students marched to the congress building which is being guarded by police to protest against the court's decision previously the leftist candidate lopez obrador who lost the election accuse the rival party of vote buying. in belgium a protest against the early release of the accomplice and ex-wife of
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a notorious child killer and pedophile have ended in scuffles with police the demonstrations took place outside a convent where michel martin has been sent after serving just over half of her jail sentence the woman was sentenced to thirty years in prison for letting two girls starve to death in a cellar while helping her husband mark two true carry out sexual abuses on other girls. russia is at risk of facing a wave of islamic radicalism after a delicate stony muslim spiritual leader was assassinated in this house on tuesday if the male suicide bomber entered the clerics home just guys as a pilgrim and then blew herself up this comes in the wake of last month's double assault on muslim figures in the republic of thought that stunned some experts believe the roots of extremism lead all the way to the middle east and that the government must still be very cautious on how it treats the spread of radicalism
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it's feared that painting all muslims with one brush could drive people into the hands of the islamists you go to school of reports. the trip to work that turned to tragedy that our stance had moved he was driving when a series of blasts threw him from his car the man who's been openly against the spread of radical ideas among the lever survived to find out his deputy was shot dead in another part of town investigators still don't know the exact motivation behind the attack but the spotlight is now on the other stun most people here are muslim and that gets mentioned more and more when it comes to the spread of radical islam in russia yes some of the local muslim communities are financed by arab families from states where whack a bit and as an official religion the money has to be worked off and they demand their ideology is spread here. like a business is one of the most fundamental branches of islam it's strongly advocated
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in saudi arabia which backs it up with billions of dollars of support across the muslim world its followers often oppose all other religions sometimes even calling for jihad holy war against them but any other radical movement of us live of course not part of the official religion here but i thought the same different ideas often taught in small mosques hidden from the mainstream. like this one form a boiler house we build into a mosque in one of gazans many apartment block you aren't it's the moms denying being radical but admit they do not support their stance of visual branches of islam. we don't divide brother muslims and there can be no radicalism no terrorism these are words only used by prove a kidders who want to discredit islam. we were told here believers are taught sincerely any quality and there are no longer up held in modern society with justice can only be achieved through islam and when someone says islam is the only
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fair way of life and social order they're called radical or extremist and what's the punishment for stealing the hand is chopped off. not the kind of punishment you'd find in russia's criminal code nevertheless such ideas are reportedly gaining more support among young muslims for some experts it could be partly to blame on how the list of banned extremist literature was thrown together. often in books by classical world famous authors are banned or in some of prophet muhammad saints how can we expect muslims to react and of course the radicals use this to gain influence. of course that our stan is a long way from becoming involved by the war stuff radical islam how the state reacts to the spread of extremism is now the wrong moves could only worsen the situation you've got going to all of our guys on that are stun. so with r.t.l.
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the back to recap the headlines. mission. critical you should free in-store charge is free arrangement free. free. to free.
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and free blow against videos for your media projects a free media oh god our t.v. dot com. hello and welcome to our tease the weekly i'm karen taraji with stories that shape this week western nations ramp up calls for military intervention in syria and order to protect refugees but face criticism for aiming to help armed rebels who is fighting tactics are accused of being war crimes. join a solid might have just banned from six months to a whole year at the ecuadorian embassy in london it was a blow or makes up for cast during a rare interview saying he hopes for a diplomatic resolution to the standoff. plus no longer an outcast in iran refutes . it's its international isolation by hosting
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a high profile summit tended by leaders and senior politicians from over one hundred countries despite opposition from washington. and a clash of the oligarchs russian business tycoon romana promote which wins in a multibillion dollar battle with fellow countrymen bodies it is off school and the london court in a case full of accusations of dirty dealings and threats. that next we hit the road with the russian delegation to the famous war and peace show in britain for a reenactment of several of the twentieth century's major battles our special report is next.
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in the early hours of a whole july do on a group of unusually dressed people carefully trained on to the shore of one of the to be up as tributaries there clad in servant military uniform from the days of world war two. in the summer of nine hundred forty one on the sort of deal the crossing the a small landscape one hundred thousand people were killed while they were trying to escape the surrounding enemy. eyewitnesses say that the river ran red with blood for several days now candles float down the river. moscow's military history club called the division has traveled here to honor the memory of full and russian soldiers but this journey to smolensk is just the beginning now they have three thousand kilometers to cover across the european roads to take part in the legendary war in peace show in england.
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in the village of belching in kent is the old hope surrounded by a huge park today it attracts collectors of military vehicles and others with an interest in reenacting great battles of the past century the thirtieth war and peace is about to take place. to ensure rain since the beginning of summer has turned the festival venue into a swamp. military enthusiasm began arriving long before the beginning of the show for them not even bad weather can overshadow the event they've been waiting a whole year for one after another festivals open up offering every thing from uniform buttons to tanks. number two number two do you read me number two over there's a gas station one hundred kilometers from here is a third of a tank left do you copy i copy. there was an accident i fell off
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a four wheeler and broke my spine or for that i was a physician a surgeon there is suddenly i was bedridden but after six months i started walking slowly recovering. i was thinking of was going to do when my friend from rostov told me that he'd restored an old soviet probated a car. they also had a gas sixty nine jeep and it was me he restored it i did it in a mill she star decided i needed a uniform to match that's how it was started. on the next day in the rain passes by the campground in belching historical reactors from a soviet afghan war paratroopers club keenly digging away the stubborn mud in accordance with military protocol the soldiers are preparing shelters in case of an enemy attack the most amazing thing is not one of these soldiers speak russian these people hail from belgium britain sweden france and holland. well we're
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digging a trench and we're trying to dig a trench we're doing it by hand so. see how far we get an attorney for going to finish it reenacting soviet union in afghanistan because well. because no one else was there were basically it's nothing political over enough for communism or something like that it's just out of interest it was quite secret and interesting to research also quite hard if you can't read russian. convoy left moscow with four heavily loaded cars with trailers to cross seven european countries to show you is tight and there's little time for rest. for the most the last year we had a pretty interesting trip to the war history show that. when i showed pictures taken with some s.s. officers to my friends. the ask me. how could i be friends with fascists
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you know you but there is no ideology in it whatsoever but there's no difference between those dressed as the red army or the diocese. where you can uniforms only serve to unite people and it's very nice when you pass a german camp in a soviet uniform and the germans stand up to greet you use of the you but in your school. at the camp the festival goers are doing the chores and preparing equipment despite grim conditions many have come here together with their families trying to involve those relatives and friends in the hobby. many years ago british police officer neil cullen himself an old soviet t. thirty four tank he restored it and then became a driver. form the second guard's tank i'll me living in the group here.


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